Friday, May 11, 2012

New house for a new chapter

We're in the process of purchasing our first home, a perfect little place for our family to love, learn, and grow over the next four years. It's been a learning process for sure. Pre-approval, physician mortgage, fixed rate, adjustable rate, points, closing costs, down payment, amortization table, mortgage insurance, property insurance, hazard insurance, radon... Ok let's make an offer. What's that? THEY ACCEPTED ANOTHER OFFER 4 HOURS AGO?! BUT THIS IS MY DREAM HOME!!! I'LL DIE IF I CAN'T SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE IN THIS EXACT HOME!!!! Oh look here's another home that's better in every way, let's get it instead.

Jason really believes he's going to have a man cave in the basement. A magical place to spend all of his spare time between working as a graphic artist by day, and single parent of two by night. He's always sending me emails about wall framing, drywall, wet bars, dry bars, and so on. Yesterday he went as far as to purchase a pool table for this yet unfinished space, which I hoped would stem the constant flow of man cave talk for at least a few days. It didn't. My inbox is currently filled with links to youtube videos about pool table assembly. Because that's at the tip top of my post-move priority list.

Man cave aside, we're all excited for the big move! We searched to find a home that we can see ourselves living in through the residency years and beyond, if I manage to find a local position. Then again, who knows what we'll want four years from now :)